Knowledge Base

How can I register to vote?

Category: Voting
"You can register by mail; mail-in registration forms are widely available. To obtain a mail-in registration form visit Secretary of State Mail-In Application, or call 617-394-2296 or 1-800-462-VOTE and a form will be sent to you. Mail the completed form to Registrar of Voters Office, Room 10, Everett City Hall, 484 Broadway, Everett, MA 02149. You should receive a confirmation notice in 2 to 3 weeks. You can register in person; go to the Registrar of Voters Office, Room 10, Everett City Hall and complete an affidavit of registration, which must be answered truthfully under the penalty of perjury. The questions on the affidavit will include your name, residence and date of birth. You can register at the Registry of Motor Vehicles; keep your motor voter receipt until you receive confirmation from your local election official. If you do not receive any confirmation, please contact your local election office to verify your voting status. You can register on-line at"
Updated 7/25/2016 11:55 AM
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